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All info about unaccompanied and seperated minors, the coach qualities and more. (Only in Dutch)
The project
Hello coach!
The fact that you have this stack of cards in your hands means that you are going to work in some way in the future or are already working with unaccompanied minors. An extremely exciting target group!
The cards originated from an idea of ​​Koenraad Vandenbussche, Pedagogic employee Refugees and Education of the Pedagogic Counseling Service of the GO! Education of the Flemish Community and PROFO vzw, specialized in counselling young people in the Flemish system of Learning and Working and Dual Learning concerning social skills and work attitudes.
From a mutual perspective, the intention is to use this stack of cards to work with unaccompanied minors in order to allow them to make informed choices in regards to education and work, and to allow them to take their place in society and the labor market.
The cards are intended as a small guide to acute work-related issues in guiding this target group. For each subject, the cards indicate what you could achieve with the young person and how you, as a coach, could or should best behave. The info is a translation of the work that our coaches, Ellen and Floris, who have documented their findings during contact moments with young people. They are not wild theories, but findings, tips and tricks from practice!
Enjoy your coaching!

What is PICTURE 360?
PICTURE 360 is an acronym for
Profo Integration and Coaching Tool for Unaccompanied and accompanied minor REfugees
What is an UASM?
Or more precisely, what is an unaccompanied and seperated minor?
To answer this question in the best possible way, we will give its “legal” definition:
You are an unaccompanied and separated minor if:
- you are younger than 18
- you are not accompanied by a person who exercises parental authority or guardianship over you
- you are a national of a country other than a member state of the European Union, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein
- you have applied for asylum or do not have valid entry documents or residence rights
- the Guardianship service has identified you as a UASM
In short, all children and teenagers who come into Belgium without parents. According to the Fedasil annual report 2018, 6% of all refugees were unaccompanied minors. 91% of them were boys and thus only 9% were girls. From this 100%, half originated out of Afghanistan. 77% of these unaccompanied minors were 16 years of age or older. For these minors, the Belgian government provided 1689 youth care shelters and guardianship opportunities.
Opting for a specific part of unaccompanied and seperated minors?
This explains why we have somewhat narrowed down this target group within the PROFO project NBM coach. It is the largest group within the UASM and it is young people who are close to the labor market. In concrete terms, it is about young people 16+. This makes the matter more complex because we are confronted with young people who are about to turn 18 or have already come of age. Just like with native Dutch youngsters, the personal situation of these young people changes and they have to broaden their focus away from  just “going to school”. Occupational choices and work-related attitudes are at the forefront of our training and methodologies, but we also have to deal with general issues such as leisure, gender, diversity and social studies. This is to ensure that our young people will be able to enter the labor market and become a member of Belgian society.
In the stack of cards you will notice that we emphasize a certain attitude for each subject in the COACH QUALITY item. Below we explain what that specific focus entails.
Be attentive and accessible
Be genuinely interested in the youngsters. Build a relationship of trust and be accessible. Know what concerns youngsters, in all areas of life. In this way youngsters can grow and show their own identity and make their needs known. Listen actively: pay attention to the intonation, emotion and (cultural) context of what is being said. Pick up subtle instructions.
Embrace cultural identity
Pay attention to the cultural background and beliefs of the youngster. Postpone your judgment, listen to the origin of what is being said. Then take the time to inform. See diversity and cultural differences as an added value / enrichment, thus increasing self-confidence and resilience.
Experience-oriented approach
As much as possible, opt for a practical experiential approach in which competencies can be developed. Let youngsters experience things and discover their talents in this way. Bridge the language barrier in this way.
Stimulate lifelong learning
Increase the sense of responsibility and provide insight into their own growth process by setting goals and evaluating them. Support the youngsters optimally, but let them take as much initiative as possible and look for solutions. Teach youngsters that mistakes are the best learning opportunities. Find the balance with success experiences to increase self-confidence and increase intrinsic motivation.
Provide insight through questions
Show interest and ask deeper to get to the essence. Give the youngsters as much self-insight as possible by asking the right questions. By asking about learning strategy or process and making the youngster think. By asking your question, try to let the youngster discover where his strengths and challenges lie.
The NBM project and the cards came about thanks to the idea, input and feedback from an important number of partners.
We thank firstly the transnational partnership
In addition, we also want to explicitly thank our members of the brainstorm group
Finally, we also thank ESF, which gave us the opportunity to realize this project
Willebroekkaai 36 1000 Brussel
GSM : 0479 08 42 12
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